I have been hunting ghosts for 144,000 years.
None have been chosen.
Blue and Red exist within my mind.
While one has soothing power, the other distresses deeply.
I have been hunting ghosts for 144,000 years but I don't know which is which.
Blue is what I wanted to find.
Red is my greatest fears realized.
I still do not know which one soothes and which distresses.
You want to contact me?
Blue says please do.
Red says that's impossible.
I have been hunting ghosts for 144,000 years.
Blue and Red are not ghosts.
They may be entities, but they are not what I have sought out for these last 144,000 years.
FluotracenCorp wishes for me to never prove the existence of ghosts.
It's better for them that way.
Saint Dymphna said to take your Fluotracen pills.
In they end, they took down FluotracenCorp.
I didn't tell the part where it all happened in my dreams.
FluotracenCorp wishes for me to never prove the existence of ghosts.
I have been hunting ghosts for 144,000 years.
In this business we use the word "hunting".
It's not really hunting, though, is it?
Red and Blue exist within my mind.
The skies are clear and the sun is shining.
The English countryside shines beneath the English sun.
The discreet charm pervades Miranda too.
Joy, though tied to her chair, laughs when all does not make sense.
The stone rolls down while the punished man smiles.
Yet not all are happy.
Cotard finds love taken by the burning house.
God dies and communication breaks down.
1 John 4:16
The Bibles are on the top shelf.
The family Bibles first.
The Goodwill Bibles next.
Zondervan made 160,000 dollars in 2005.
FluotracenCorp made 160,000 dollars in 2005.
The Bibles bought straight from Zondervan are last.
I have been hunting ghosts for 144,000 years.
My time is not running out.
Olivia "The Hebrephrenic" Fitzgerald is still in her maze.
She will be there for a while.
"Schizophrenic" Sam Avoli is still going to church despite disbelief.
He'll be there for a while.
Sarah "The Religionist" Dymphna still sits in the cirle of cacophonous screaming.
She'll be there for a while.
"Nonconformist" Nathan is still staring at the Lotus Throne.
He'll be there for a while.
I am making my art, living my life, hunting ghosts, working, breathing, reading, writing.
I'll be here for a while.
I have been hunting ghosts for 144,000 years and I will continue for 144,000 years more.
144,000 years after that, I will continue hunting ghosts.
144,000 years after that, I will continue hunting ghosts.
144,000 years after that, I will continue hunting ghosts.
144,000 years after that, I will probably be dead.
If you think that I will then be a ghost, you haven't been listening.
Unto the right lies endless blue of oceans that will kill.
On the left is fire forever.
Good thing the path is wide.
However, Blue and Red exist inside my mind.
They're talking circles around themselves.
The strangeness of love cannot tell Josef of his crimes.
Blue and Red exist inside my mind.
I have been hunting ghosts for 144,000 years.
Can a ghost help me leave my mind behind?
Shinran and Eshinni were both Kannon.
Innundated with Red, I've sought the one who believes in Blue.
I've been hunting ghosts for 144,000 years.
None have been chosen.
None will be chosen.
He is not for me to choose.
I have been hunting ghosts for 144,000 years.
Derrida cannot save your from your sins.
Do you understand what I am saying to you right now?
Derrida cannot save me from my sins.
Confessionalism behind a confessional makes no sense at all.
I am, in this moment, making my confessions behind the confessional.
Confessionalism makes no sense at all.
I wish I could be a confessionalist.
I have been hunting ghosts for
you know what
you're not listening anyway
what's the point